Return Home | Friday, February 9, 2018 |
Hail EQOA Community! Cilants here. Most of you already know that. I have been a part of the community for a long while posting polls and keeping the community engaged. I played from 2004 until 2010. On FH I was most known for Lockeddown and Shikoku. CLW for Cilants, Stackerz, Kleenz, Beargryllz, and twice renamed Alc Pottsalott. (The original name my 16 year old self came up with was Tairyhwat…Which the dev’s did not approve of lol.)
Some background on me. I am 26, married with two beautiful daughters. I am currently the Paint Defect Analyst/Group Leader working at Toyota. I served 7 years in the Army and love to fish.
I have a strong background in leading projects and managing every aspect to completion. This quality so far has proven to be very useful. With the help of Alutra and my counterpart Halflife, we founded the Restoration Guild. The purpose of the guild is for the NPC placement team to have a designated location for exclusive cross talk in regards to camps/NPCS. Those aren’t the only members. There’s also a research, website/media relations, and several other teams. Small, but so far effective. I started this adventure on 12/23/2017. A lot has been accomplished in a short amount of time!
So far we have established the new Return Home website, over 20 camps, Return Home YouTube channel, created a Zone distribution map for tasking each member, new test server to quicken placement procedure, NPC placement “How to” guide, updated client and server set up, and a timeline to show progress in the newsletters to come.
Please check the website, forums, and YouTube channel for camp videos and remember to stay proactive in the community. We are all alone for now. We as a community are making history and must band together to see our beloved game restored to its former glory!