Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane

Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane strolls into the scene fashionably late. The light-hearted, carefree god is also very clever and charismatic. Bristlebane met with Brell and Cazic-Thule to form the Second Pact of the Gods. As part of this pact, Bristelbane created his race of Halflings to make his mark on Norrath. Bristelbane, chosing to avoid conflict with the other races, placed his Halflings in an out-of-the-way, secluded area of Norrath. Followers of Bristlebane should not be trusted with anything of significant value but they can be counted on for a good time.
Title: The King of Thieves
Allies: Brell Serilis
Enemies: none
Home: Plane of Mischief