Chapter 3: Isle of Dread

The entity known as Cazic Thule, or The Faceless, has many incarnations of its will. Most notable of these is its extra planar home, the Plane of Fear. However, the depth of Fear knows little in the way of bounds and it is apparent, to those learned in such matters, that there are other realms and manifestations of Cazic Thule's twisted power.
The Isle of Dread is one such incarnation. Perhaps a land to reward the most faithful of The Faceless' followers in their afterlife or, perhaps a simple trap to lure foolish mortals into endless terror for the glory of Cazic Thule. Whatever the reasons for its existence, exist it does. What this enshrouded island holds remains to be seen, as so far the only word of it comes from the ramblings of madmen washed ashore after days lost at sea.